Support for carers
There are several organisations that provide support for carers. You can contact them yourself, without speaking to a GP first.
Durham County Carers Support
Durham County Carers Support is the primary Carer support service in County Durham and Darlington.
They can work with you to help you find the information you need to care for someone and can inform you about other services to help you look after yourself.
To register with Durham County Carers Support:
- You must be an adult Carer over the age of 18 years.
- The cared for person must live in County Durham or Darlington.
- You must provide unpaid support for a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour who could not manage without their assistance, due to an illness, disability, substance misuse or mental health.
Durham County Carers Support can provide:
- One to one tailored support
- A listening ear
- Help with completing forms
- Access to grants and funding
- Help to take a break from your caring role
- Signposting to relevant organisations who can also support
- Groups and Events
- Training on various topics
- Counselling sessions
- Carers Discount Card
- Carers Emergency Card
Young Carers
The Bridge supports young carers, young adult carers and their families living in County Durham. The service ensures that children and young people are protected from inappropriate caring and have the support they need to learn, develop and enjoy positive childhoods. The service uses a whole family approach, which ensures that children, young people and parents are able to get the support they need, at the right time.
Support for young carers is offered through a range of methods including:
• Young Carer Needs Assessment for young people aged 5-17
• An assessment of need for young adult carers from the age of 18-24
• Whole family support
• Targeted one to one sessions
• Peer support where a need is identified
• Five forums, throughout the year focusing on the High Five outcomes: Be Safe, Be Heard, Be a Voice, Be Healthy and Be Strong
• Signposting and referrals to other services
• Support with transitions
• Access to Carers Breaks
Phone: 0191 383 2520
Request an appointment at the surgery
If the services above are not suitable, you can request an appointment at the surgery.